
UX Starter Workshop

ui ux design course designerrs academy

About UX Starter Workshop

Curious about design? Wondering if UX could be your calling? Eager to connect with fellow design enthusiasts? Look no further!

In this immersive workshop, we’re not just scratching the surface – we’re diving deep into the very essence of design.

Whether you’re eyeing a career shift or dipping your toes into UX UI design, this workshop is your key to unlocking boundless creativity. Get ready to unleash your potential!

Secure your spot:

Who Can Attend?

Career Explorers Icon

The Curious Ones
You are curious if UX UI design is the right career for you

Career Transitioners Icon

The Career Transitioners
You are looking to transition your career into UX UI design

Career Transitioners Icon

The Students, Graduates
You are a college graduate, student, or simply a design enthusiast!

Aspiring Designers Icon

The UX UI Beginners
You are eager to kickstart your UX UI design journey and looking for expert guidance


  • Learn design basics through simulative examples
  • Understand UX UI design through real-world examples
  • Build your first wireframe
  • Get your questions answered by Industry experts
  • Get a roadmap on how to become a UX UI designer
  • Leveraging previous work experience in career transitions
UI/UX Design Course
UX Design Course
  • Understand different career paths as a designer
  • Get updated on the latest UX UI design methods
  • Tips to build a portfolio that helps you stand out
  • Connect with fellow design enthusiasts
  • Become a part of 40K+ design community
  • Receive our design merch and goodies!

What You’ll Need

  • Your enthusiasm
  • Reliable WIFI connection
  • Fully charged laptop
  • Laptop with audio and video capabilities
  • More energy than a double-shot espresso
UI/UX Design Course
UI/UX Design Course

Secure your spot:


07 09 24


11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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