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Case Study Blunders You Should Avoid

Case Study Blunders You Should Avoid while creating a UX case study can be a great opportunity to showcase your skills, there are common blunders that can hinder your success:

Lack of Context: Failing to provide context about the project’s goals, challenges, and your role can leave readers confused.

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Overwhelming Detail: Avoid including excessive details or jargon that might overwhelm the reader. Keep it concise and focused.


Missing Research: Skipping the research phase or not highlighting its importance can weaken your case study.


Ignoring Feedback: If your case study doesn’t include user feedback or usability testing results, it might appear incomplete.


Weak Visuals: Visuals are crucial in UX case studies. Low-quality images or poorly presented design work can undermine your credibility.

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Lack of Results: Failing to show the impact of your design on key metrics or user satisfaction can weaken your case.


No Reflection: Omitting a reflection on what you learned and how you grew as a designer misses an opportunity for self-improvement.

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Ignoring Branding: Neglecting to brand your case study with your personal style or visual identity can make it less memorable.


A well-structured UX case study can effectively showcase your skills and expertise as a designer. By following these best practices, you can create a compelling narrative that demonstrates your problem-solving abilities, research skills, and the positive impact of your designs. Remember, a thoughtful reflection on your experiences adds depth to your case study. Want to master UX Interview Preparation, take a look at the UX Professional Track.