
Starting from X to UX Design Stories #2


Design is an element that prevails in all aspects of nature. Proper structure and designing of anything around us, can make its experience amazing. Hence, Design has the capability to transform experiences. Similarly, in life too, we can transition from our daily mundane jobs and choose something that helps us to channelize our innovative and creative side. Companies have finally understood the importance of UX and hence, the industry is completely booming.


Design is not just how it looks and feels like. Design is how it works

In this article, we will discuss some of the Designerrs Lab’s major success stories, people who have transitioned into successful UX Designers, and their inspirational stories of jumpstarting their career as UI UX Designer.


1. Engineering to UX Design

Jayesh Batra’s journey as a designer started when he was 16. He started to attend design-related workshops and lectures, which intrigued him towards the design domain. He researched the opportunities in the field of Design and found about graphic designing in which he did a course as well. But, on exploring further he came to know about UI/UX design and this was the time he was sure to just go for it.


In his words, “Everything that surrounds us is designed, either by nature or by man but that wasn’t all. User-centered design is something above it”.


We need to understand user psychology, how he reacts, his nature, his likes/dislikes, his expectations from the product, while making the product visually attractive. In short, we keep the users in the center while designing the product by keeping the different laws of design in mind.

2. Graphic Design to UX Design


Taher Jariwala began his journey with Design, being defined as a Problem Solving Process. His school aptitude test also pointed towards his capabilities of being a good graphic designer and which was where he got to know more about user interface design and user experience design further.

In his words “Design is not just about how it looks but also how it feels and how the user gets it”.

Design is not a solution but discovering questions and problems, and understanding their results in design.” The most important question what I felt about design has been “how can I explain it?” “Is there a better way?” Better way to define it? better way to understand my work? my clients, my users, my Design?

3. Content Writing to UX design

Deepa Swamy has had an incredible journey from working in technology PR and product marketing for a major software company to transitioning towards UX design. She admired the pace at which the world of technology was transforming.

Despite all the changes, the most important thing was, being able to hear the voice of the customer. As the products were built on a solid understanding of user needs and by anticipating user behavior, hence she decided that UX Research and Design was the new direction she wanted to pursue.

She found each day of the UI UX Design Course from the Scratch course exciting. She observed the value of understanding and empathy was very important. She learned Task flows, affinity mapping, and became proficient in new tools such as Adobe XD and Figma.

In her words, “With Conversation Design, I hope to combine my love of language, psychology, user research, and analysis to design a whole new category of intuitive products for customers.”


4. Information Technology to UX Design

Nesil Noble spent most of his childhood watching a lot of cartoons and movies and started learning a lot of software tools like Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, and this made him realize that there are lots of different opportunities, but, he was still confused. After his Bachelor’s in Computer Application, he looked into a different career option in designing, so he did some research and found about UX/UI design. This was the path that made him happy and gave him the morale boost he was looking for.

In his words, “A UX/UI designer is more about your interest, your passion, and what intrinsically motivates you.”

As a UX/UI designer, my job isn’t just to create something beautiful; it’s to understand the user’s mindset, predict what they will expect, and then make designs user-friendly as possible.

We hope these success stories will inspire you and help you to chase your dream job by taking that leap of faith you have been patiently waiting for.

To learn more about UX/UI Design, Design Thinking, Conversational UX Design, and Virtual Reality UX Design, you can check out the Courses and learning materials available on Designerrs Lab. To bust and detox your myths around UX and UI, watch our Dtalks (Designers Talk UX) sessions by Design Industry Experts on Designerrs YouTube channel.

To find more stories of transitioning into UX Design, click here. Join Designerrs Dtalks community for more Personal Interactions, Portfolio Reviews, UX design Jobs, and much more here.